Sunday, May 24, 2015

Cloudy but great...

Before I begin this week’s recap I would like to make a quick correction to last week’s post. The red bus had 23 instead of the 13 that was noted.  I apologize for the mistake and any confusion that it may have caused.
*   *    * 
We had another great day of Sunday school today with several new kids coming from a couple of different stops. It was overcast and a little cold but that didn’t stop us from having a great time with each and every kid that came.

A big thank you this week to Brother Arlin Pierce who stepped in to help with the high school class and Bro. & Sis. Alvarado for helping for a second week with the  5-7 year-old class. 

Congratulations to Donovan Boggs and Darren Arnett for a new high attendance of six on Ramona Street! Also, we saw some new faces from spruce Street which is exciting given the fact that we added that stop in the relatively recent past.

On the way back to drop the kids off we meet some really interested new people!  We are hoping to see them on the bus next week!

Below are the numbers that attended from each street:


Sunday, May 17, 2015

New Kids Coming!

Happy Sunday School kids!
We had another great day of Sunday school today which was kicked off by an equally great outreach yesterday.

The prayer meeting preceding the outreach was really powerful and well attended and lead to a productive outreach.  This in turn lead to many new kids on the buses today.

Thank you to each bus worker, teacher and helper that made today's classes a big success. We do not overlook your hard work and effort and only God will know what an impact your efforts will have in the years to come.

Congratulations are in order to both Nathaniel Cowen and Logan Booker for bringing 6 new kids from Spruce and Second street for a new high attendance. Also, once again Ramona street produced a new high number of kids with a total of 7.  Congratulations to Donovan Boggs and Darren Arnett for their good work there.

Once again thank you for all of your help, dedication and hard work.



Friday, May 15, 2015

May 10 - Mothers Day

Mothers Day weekend is always a time of give and take.  Some people are gone because they must attend functions at another location and some come to be with their mothers.  This week was a bit more take than give though but we still had a decent turnout.

Big thank yous are in order to both Sis. Courtney Watts AND Nathaniel Cowen for bringing an AMAZING amount of cookies from both Panera Bread and from a local bakery.  The kids and bus workers all loved them... thank you!

If anyone else has a connection for snacks or other types of donations please let us know.  We would love to see what is available to help our bus and Sunday School ministries.



Monday, May 4, 2015

May 3rd - Children's Church for 5-10 year olds!

Bro. Jarron teaching children's church

Hello everyone and thank you for another great week of bus ministry and Sunday school!

As you know we had a children’s church for the 5-10 year old kids and Bro. Jarron Brown did a fantastic job teaching the kids.  We had a lot of kids praying in the altar with a couple of them getting VERY close to getting the Holy Ghost.  In fact, Dallas Christian DID receive it Sunday night after getting so close in children’s church.  Thank you to everyone that helped make it a success whether you are a Sunday school teacher or a bus worker.

As far as the bus routes go, we had another successful Sunday even though we make some fairly radical changes between the red and orange routes.  Mango, Glenwood and Eucalyptus were transferred to the orange route along with our intrepid bus captain Donavon Boggs.  He will be joined (sadly only temporarily) by Bro. Daryn Arnett.  The outgoing pair of Nathaniel Cowen and Logan Booker are now helping on the red route and will be heading up the outreach for the apartment complexes on Spruce and Second.

Lots of kids praying at the altar
Additionally, due to adding a new stop to the green route, we had to do some personnel shuffling there as well (thank you everyone for being so willing and flexible!).  We are combining the Old Jackson and ABC stops into a single outreach point that will be covered by the valiant team of Alexandria Pierce and Areli Alvarez.  The new stop, Sierra Pointe apartments, will be ably covered by the dynamic duo of Micayla Moody and Andrea Alvarez which means that East Shamrock will now be ably handled by the spectacular squad of Greg Felix, Frances Felix, Victor Alvarez and Briana Flores.  Please note that these green route changes are not reflected in the attendance figures below as they are yet to be implemented on this coming Saturday’s outreach.

We are adding new stops, reaching new areas and trying our best to become the BEST we can possibly be.  If we all pitch in with PASSION there is not TELLING what God can do!

We had a new high attendance of 6 on Ramona so congratulations to Donovan Boggs and Daryn Arnett for starting their route with a bang!


Here are the attendance numbers:

Jackson (Old)
Shamrock (East)
Sierra Pointe
Shamrock W / Bella Vista
Jackson (New) / Lilac
Rialto/Las Palmas
Second Street
Orchard Heights
South St
Riverside Apts
Village Green
Total Attendance

Pictures of the day: