Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sunday Recap - 2014/10/07

We had a great day of bus and Sunday School this last Sunday despite BOTH shuttle buses being broke down due to a youth trip the previous day.  Luckily we had a van that was able to step in and though crowded it served its purpose.

We are in the process of implementing a new attendance app on the bus captains' and the Sunday school teachers' phones. We beta tested it Sunday and found and hopefully corrected a few bugs we ran across.

Otherwise, we managed to work through the chaos that 200 kids can bring and hopefully succeeded in communicating God's word to all in attendance.

We are still trying to grow the routes and with God's help and a LOT of hard work from our bus workers we can do so in the near future.  Here are today's numbers.
Bus Route Totals

Anthony being baptized in Jesus name
Additionally, we had a great service Sunday night with Bro. Cody Marks and there were several bus kids that came and prayed very deeply.  

One of the Sunday School kids, Anthony who came with his friend Joseph, received the Holy Ghost last Sunday and this Sunday night was baptized in the beautiful name of Jesus!

It was overall of a great day and we are so thankful for what God is doing...

Remodeling of Sunday School Store / Resource Cabinets

The store in its final form
On Saturday we spent the bulk of the day making changes to our Sunday School store and to our resource cabinets.

Our store was nice but we needed a bit more room and a way to display the wares more visibly and to make them more accessible.

To this end we installed four, 6 foot long shelves which were angled at approximately 40 degrees with a lip on the edges to keep the bins from falling off.  Additionally we installed a shelf above that for the larger items and a pegboard above that.

It turned out quite nice and after some other juggling of items (stacking of existing shelves, mounting of brackets for signs etc) the room is now much more utilitarian than previously.

The resource cabinets were quite a bit of work.  They had been used by many people for several years and had deteriorated into a miasma of detritus.  Papers, toys, instruments, crayons, puppets, hats, masks and candy were strewn asunder with a liberal coating of ants as the coup de grĂ¢ce.

My poor wife labored unceasingly, spraying bugs, vacuuming, wiping, sorting and finally restoring all of the items in a much more rational system.

A lot of work indeed but the end result (assuming it stays this way long-term) was worth the effort.

The reorganized cabinets